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Exploring Taikang's Global Layout through Annual Offshore Fund Award

Recently, in the "Global Asset Management 500" released by international media IPE for the year 2024, Taikang Asset Management ranked 58th globally and 3rd in China.

From its inception serving a single client to now managing over 1,200 institutional clients and a total asset scale of 3.9 trillion yuan, Taikang Asset Management has grown alongside the times over the past 18 years, forging a leading path of rapid growth in management scale and significant expansion of market influence.

In the first half of 2024, Taikang Asset Management (Hong Kong)'s products won the Best Performance Award for Greater China Fixed Income Products at the 2023 Offshore China Fund Awards, co-organized by the Hong Kong China Fund Association (HKCAMA) and Bloomberg, thanks to their outstanding investment performance, covering multiple awards for one-year, three-year, and five-year periods.


Chen Yilun, Deputy General Manager of Taikang Asset Management and Vice Chairman of Taikang Asset Management (Hong Kong), stated that during the investment process, Taikang Asset Management focuses more on increasing the probability of investment success.

By gradually increasing the allocation of dividend-paying stocks and other assets, they seize sources of certain returns.

At the same time, the company explores global allocation, reducing portfolio performance fluctuations and enriching sources of excess returns by increasing the proportion of overseas equity allocation.

Taikang Asset Management (Hong Kong): The Vanguard of the Group's Internationalization Strategy Taikang Asset Management (Hong Kong), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Taikang Asset Management, has been tasked with exploring the internationalization strategy of Taikang Insurance Group since its establishment in 2007.

Over the past decade, Taikang Asset Management (Hong Kong) has continuously expanded its business boundaries and implemented diversified investment strategies, with layouts in various fields such as stocks, bonds, and alternative investments, achieving significant investment results in overseas equity and fixed income products.

In the field of innovative business, Taikang Asset Management (Hong Kong) has always kept pace with market demands and continuously explored new business directions.

Currently, Taikang Asset Management (Hong Kong) is also one of the few Chinese active fund managers in the Hong Kong Mandatory Provident Fund market, highlighting its advantages as one of the pension managers in Hong Kong, meeting the pension investment needs of Hong Kong citizens for the Chinese market.

Zhang Le, General Manager of Taikang Asset Management (Hong Kong), stated that the Hong Kong company implements the group's international business exploration, building overseas Chinese stock, Asian dollar bond, and overseas multi-asset investment capabilities from scratch, serving the investment needs of domestic and foreign clients.

Looking forward, the Hong Kong company is committed to becoming a first-class active asset management institution in the Hong Kong market, thereby serving the group's big health strategy.

Laying out overseas investment and innovative business to serve the diverse needs of clients In addition to its own development, Taikang Asset Management (Hong Kong) has also accumulated rich experience in providing overseas investment solutions for various large sovereign funds, central enterprises, state-owned enterprises, and bank insurance institutions.

Since 2009, Taikang Asset Management (Hong Kong) has successively cooperated with many large domestic institutional investors, using Hong Kong's geographical advantage as a bridge between domestic and foreign markets to provide investment services including Stock Connect and Bond Connect in the offshore market for partners.

In 2013, Taikang Asset Management (Hong Kong) also obtained the QFII and RQFII qualifications from the People's Bank of China, providing cross-border investment services covering domestic stocks, bonds, and other asset categories for qualified foreign institutional investors.

At the same time, by laying out in the sub-segments of offshore Chinese dollar bonds, U.S. investment-grade bonds, and developed and emerging market dollar bonds, Taikang Asset Management (Hong Kong) has built a bridge for domestic and foreign investors to connect with the global fixed income market.

In addition, Taikang Asset Management (Hong Kong) also provides professional asset allocation plans for global high-net-worth clients and retail investors through cooperative distribution with several well-known large banks.

By the end of 2023, Taikang Asset Management (Hong Kong) had established long-term and stable cooperative relationships with dozens of top global financial institutions, providing professional and personalized one-stop services for global investors to allocate Chinese assets and global assets across borders.

Having taken a stake in the world-famous auction house, the returns were substantial Taikang not only performed well in the financial market but also further expanded its global investment business by strategically taking a stake in the internationally renowned art auction house Sotheby's.

In 2015, Taikang Life Insurance invested $233 million in Sotheby's through Taikang Asset Management (Hong Kong) at a price of $29 per share, acquiring a 13.5% stake and becoming the largest shareholder of Sotheby's at the time.

This was the first large-scale participation of Chinese institutions in the equity investment of an international art auction house, attracting widespread attention in the market.

Through strategic investment, Taikang Asset Management leveraged its brand advantage, channel resources, and customer network to help Sotheby's further expand the Asian market, especially the Chinese market, while introducing more advanced management concepts and operational models, enhancing Sotheby's competitiveness and influence in the global art market.

As a bridge between Chinese and Western art industries, this cooperation promoted the exchange and integration of Eastern and Western art, bringing a richer and more diverse range of art investment options to global high-net-worth clients.

In 2019, based on prudent investment decisions, Taikang sold all its Sotheby's shares to French telecommunications and media tycoon Patrick Drahi at a price of $57 per share, obtaining substantial investment returns and making the Sotheby's project one of the highest-yielding overseas investments to date for Taikang Asset Management.

In the current global economic and financial situation, which is full of changes and uncertainties, Taikang Asset Management always adheres to long-term investment, value investment, and responsible investment.

It fully leverages the long-term advantages of insurance funds, seizes structural investment opportunities, and creates long-term, sustainable returns for investors, using professionalism to protect wealth and serve a better life.

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