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70% Discount: Huge Loss for US & Europe

In the early stages of our country's development, due to a weak foundation, we were subjected to coercion from Western countries at every turn.

Faced with such a situation, our country strived to catch up and develop continuously.

With the relentless research and development by our enterprises, our country finally broke the monopoly of Western countries and achieved new development.

What happened during this process?

In the development of industry, our country was still lagging behind in some industries, especially in seamless steel pipes.

These pipes have a wide range of applications; they are not only used in oil and gas pipelines but also have significant uses in the automotive, chemical, and water conservancy industries.


They can also reduce equipment wear and improve production efficiency.

In fact, our country has made significant breakthroughs in some lightweight seamless steel pipes, but these pipes have very thick walls, with some thicknesses exceeding 10 centimeters!

This type of pipe is considered extremely difficult for our country's industry.

Moreover, the production of such pipes has always been monopolized by Western countries, who have ignored our cooperation and sold the pipes to us at high prices.

When our country was building nuclear power plants, a lot of time was spent waiting for this type of pipe.

The large-diameter thick-walled seamless steel pipes used in nuclear power plants were very difficult for our country at that time.

Moreover, our country's industrial foundation at that time still had considerable difficulties in the production of thick-walled pipes, and we could only continue to import them from Western countries.

In the subsequent development, our country has successively developed some thick-walled pipes, but it has not yet achieved independent production of large-diameter thick-walled seamless steel pipes.

Our country's industry has been developing continuously, but it is still subject to constraints in some industries.

What exactly are the large quantities of pipes that our country imports?

Before 2009, the manufacturing of large-diameter thick-walled seamless steel pipes was the most advanced technology in the global manufacturing industry, with only a few countries such as the United States and Japan producing them, and the production technology of these pipes was also monopolized by these countries.

The production process of these large-diameter thick-walled seamless steel pipes requires a variety of production procedures, which were not the most difficult for our country at that time.

The biggest difficulty was the heavy-duty press.

And the manufacturing of these heavy-duty presses was firmly grasped by Western countries.

If our country wanted to continue producing thick-walled pipes, it could only import these heavy-duty press units.

When importing these heavy-duty presses, some countries might not sell to our country or make our country pay a high price for some outdated presses.

Importing these products at high prices not only has a negative impact on our country's industrial development but also has an adverse effect on our country's economic development.

Faced with this situation of being subject to others, our country decided to start developing heavy-duty presses to quickly get rid of this situation.

What is the development path of our country?

After facing the "shameless" sales of Western countries, our country's Northern Heavy Industries Group decided to develop heavy-duty presses on its own to break the Western monopoly.

Considering that the project was in the blank period of domestic vertical extrusion technology, and the goal was to conquer the 360,000-ton black metal vertical extrusion technology, the project was named "Project 360".

After our country's enterprises decided to develop, some Western countries ridiculed our country for overestimating its abilities, but our country's scientific researchers did not pay attention to these voices and focused more on developing technology.

There were quite a few obstacles encountered during the development process.

Due to our country's complete blank in this area, it also led our country to take quite a few detours.

During the development, professors from universities such as Tsinghua and Peking University continuously joined the development team, which also reduced the time for our country's development.

On July 16, 2009, China North Industries Group Corporation announced that after more than three years of hard work, the enterprise, in conjunction with Tsinghua University and other scientific research institutions, recently successfully developed a 360,000-ton black metal vertical extrusion press.

The successful development of the 360,000-ton black metal vertical extrusion press not only broke the monopoly in the manufacturing technology of large-diameter thick-walled seamless steel pipes for our country.

It also saved a lot of costs for our country's large-diameter thick-walled seamless steel pipes and greatly helped the development of other industries in our country.

After the news of our country's 360,000-ton black metal vertical extrusion press spread overseas, the steel pipe prices of the United States and Japan and other countries immediately fell, from the original 160,000 yuan/ton to 45,000 yuan/ton, and many countries also came to our country to order large-diameter thick-walled seamless steel pipes.

The success of our country's 360,000-ton black metal vertical extrusion press technology did not make our country complacent, and our country continued to develop heavier presses in the subsequent time.

In 2015, our country successfully developed a 68-ton heavy-duty press, and this 68-ton heavy-duty press can not only promote the development of our country's industry, but it is also the world's first 68-ton heavy-duty press...

Although this happened a few years ago, it still gives us a lot of inspiration.

The development of our country's heavy-duty presses not only filled the gap in this area for our country but also made our country realize the transformation from import to export in the field of heavy-duty presses.

Although the development of heavy-duty presses happened a few years ago, the spirit of our country's scientific researchers has not disappeared, but has become more and more dazzling over time.

Now our country still has many fields subject to sanctions by Western countries, and the sanctions on our country in the semiconductor industry such as chips and lithography machines are very serious.

However, our country's scientific researchers did not choose to give up in the face of these sanctions by Western countries, but instead worked harder on research and development, and some private enterprises in our country also increased their research and development efforts in chips.

With the continuous development of our country's economy, our country's chip industry has also developed a lot, not only developing various new types of chips, but also successfully developing materials for new types of chips... With the continuous development of our country's technology, our country has made breakthrough after breakthrough in some core technologies, which has made our country's development reach a higher level.

Our country continues to research and develop in some industries, and has its own core technologies in more and more fields.

It is believed that in the future, our country will be able to break the technical blockade of Europe and the United States and other countries in more fields.

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